
The people at HI DMC don’t just create travel programs or related services they create experiences. Experiences that last for a lifetime!


At HI DMC, our mission is to exceed customer expectations by optimizing resource use, reducing waste, and delivering services with exceptional efficiency. We are committed to global sustainability through ethical, social, and environmentally-friendly practices. Join us in making every destination an irresistible pin on the map, where unforgettable experiences and responsible tourism go hand in hand.


At HI DMC Group, sustainability isn't just a policy—it's a core value guiding our journey. We understand that sustainable tourism is crucial for our long-term success and the wellbeing of the destinations we serve. This policy underscores HI Tour's commitment to sustainability, providing a robust framework that balances stakeholder needs, minimizes our environmental footprint, and amplifies our positive impact on local communities and biodiversity. Through thoughtful management and proactive measures, we're dedicated to fostering sustainable tourism development that benefits everyone involved.


The HI DMC is committed to the principle of responsible tourism in which we persistently strive to manage our services in a way that it provides an optimum balance in fulfilling our social, environmental, and economic objectives; just as it's supposed to be! The values of responsible tourism are dedicatedly followed in all our business operations, including our supply chain. We are always pumped to maximize the positive impact on our customers and the community by making sure we're minimizing any negative impacts otherwise.

Besides that, HI DMC also focuses on collaborating with local partners who follow a similar philosophy like ours and actively monitor their business practices and services to grow together whenever there's a potential opportunity.


At our company, sustainability is seamlessly woven into our core strategy and regularly evaluated to ensure ongoing effectiveness. Our primary sustainability objectives are:
Minimize Waste, Maximize Recycling: We strive to reduce waste and enhance opportunities for reuse and recycling.
Foster Awareness and Responsibility: We promote environmental, financial, and social consciousness among our employees, encouraging sustainable and responsible practices.
Uphold Ethical Standards: We enforce strict ethical policies to prevent the commercial sexual exploitation of women and children.
Engage and Inspire: We actively communicate our sustainability commitments to clients, suppliers, and the local community, urging them to join us in our efforts.
Enhance Skills: We are dedicated to continually improving the sustainability management skills of our employees and external partners.


While dealing with the customers, employees, and suppliers, we include social & environmental value considerations that mirror our organization's sustainability objectives. All employees, associates, suppliers, and sub-suppliers of the organization are expected to uphold and maintain the sustainability policy and values that HI DMC is based on; because we know our responsibilities and we stand loud and proud by it!


At HI DMC, sustainability is at the core of our operations, driven by our dedicated sustainability manager. This key role ensures our sustainability policy remains current and effective, while overseeing comprehensive action plans, monitoring, and evaluations. Our commitment extends to our clients and the community through the following initiatives:
Continuous Improvement: We consistently monitor, review, and enhance our sustainability practices.
Operational Impact: We evaluate the impact and performance of our operations to ensure sustainable outcomes.
Goal Setting: We establish specific objectives at various levels to drive continuous improvement.
Eco-Efficiency: We invest in eco-efficient technologies and processes.
Employee and Supplier Engagement: We encourage and reward innovative sustainability ideas from our employees and suppliers.
Training and Development: We equip our employees with the necessary training, knowledge, and skills to meet our sustainability commitments.
Community Involvement: We actively involve local communities in our planning and decision-making processes.
Supporting Local Businesses: We promote and market unique local products, helping local businesses thrive.
Annual Reviews: We conduct annual reviews of our systems and performance to ensure we meet our sustainability goals.


At HI DMC, we prioritize a clean ecosystem by minimizing disposable and consumable goods in our operations. When reduction isn't feasible, we ensure recycling through accessible bins for all employees. Waste management is crucial to our policy as we strive to optimize our carbon footprint.


To achieve our goals and ensure ethical conduct, it is mandatory that the employees and suppliers need to include social & environmental value considerations into procurement and purchasing decisions while also ensuring they meet the requirements of HI DMC business and its stakeholders.

We always aim to purchase only sustainable green products like certified green papers, printer cartridges, cleaning materials, energy-efficient equipment, locally produced fair trade tea and coffee, etc, making the most of local businesses that benefit both the community and its culture. Our giveaways are also locally sourced to reduce carbon emissions and provide employment opportunities for local companies and communities.

We expect our suppliers to operate according to the principles as outlined in this policy and adhere to all applicable laws and regulations.


At the HI DMC Group, we value the importance of energy and how conserving it is the need of the hour. Hence, we have an active commitment to continually improving its energy performance and reducing energy consumption within the organization. All energy measurements, with a reasonable return on investment, are planned and implemented.

The admin department is responsible for the acquisition, supply of energy to the facilities, measurement, monitoring, and reporting. This policy applies to all employees and contractors undertaking any energy-related activities.

To avoid wastage and overconsumption of energy in our offices, we use centralized energy-saving air conditioning units which are switched off at night and during weekends. All our lighting, tea and coffee machines, printers, and other equipment are highly energy saving and sensor-controlled.


As a responsible organization, HI DMC has a strong commitment towards our furry friends too, ensuring that the welfare of animals is safeguarded during all its business activities and actions.

All the clients, employees, and suppliers are expected to follow the animal welfare policy and ensure their commitment towards the best practices during all operations and will be held accountable for implementing the animal welfare policy within their scope of work and assignment.

To uphold the commitment, the HI DMC Group follows animal welfare ABTA guidelines 2019. Unacceptable practices, acts of exploitation, including commercial performances, shows or use of animals as photo props will not be entertained.

HI DMC always communicates its animal welfare commitment to clients, suppliers, and the local community and encourages them to support it with care and love.


HI DMC does not allow any kind of sexual or basic exploitation of children in the context of travel and tourism, that includes sexual abuse of a minor, in exchange for cash or other compensation such as food or gifts, given either directly to the child or to a third party. This also includes child sexual abuse, child prostitution, and child pornography.

HI DMC has a commitment to maintain and abide by its child protection policy that also includes child labor in the entire supply chain. Our employees are trained in children's rights, the prevention of sexual exploitation, and how to report suspected cases.


HI DMC is always trying to expand its relationship with its partners at all times to work towards its goal, together. We are right on the front in communicating the sustainability goals and objectives to our key partners. This not only motivates the existing partners towards greater sustainability goals but also creates an enthusiastic environment for work. Additionally, when associating or onboarding new partners, we majorly factor in their sustainability performance and practices.


As an extra step towards our vision, HI DMC gives preference to accommodation providers that follow and abide by international sustainability certification schemes. We ensure our standard sustainability clauses are well versed by the accommodation suppliers by introducing them into contracts. It is of prior importance to us that our accommodation partners are in sync with our sustainability goals and objectives. We never refrain from offering multiple accommodation options to our clients which also include traditional homestays and locally owned small properties to provide them a rooted experience, no matter which part of the world they're in. We also ask accommodation suppliers to actively support community involvement and development initiatives without any forced or child labor.


HI DMC is an organization of its words; we never make promises or claims that are not within our reach. As a responsible body, we take full responsibility for our doings and strive to create a positive impact nevertheless. We monitor and ensure active collaboration and compliance with regard to the laws, ethical values and international standards. We make sure our clients are aware of the relevant sustainability issues in the destinations they visit and we also provide options and guidance for those who wish to donate or give back to the community; because there's joy in giving!


Corruption or bribery of any kind is strictly prohibited by and at HI DMC. Strict punishment and penalties will be levied for non-compliance in case of any kind of bribery incident with a public official or a private person or any third party. The company ensures the highest level of transparency while dealing with all its customers, suppliers and authorities and strictly adheres to the applicable anti-corruption standards as laid down in local anti-corruption and bribery laws.


HI DMC strictly stands by its sustainable practices and any non-compliance shall be considered as serious misconduct and thereby will be liable to pay a sum of USD 100 as a penalty (penalty amount is not fixed and may vary on the quantum of the violation as well).


At HI DMC, our commitment to sustainability is embedded in our daily operations and interactions with employees, suppliers, customers, and stakeholders. Moving forward, sustainability will remain a top priority, ensuring it is effectively integrated into our company’s practices and community engagements. The outlined policies and objectives will guide us in advancing our sustainability efforts for the future.
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