
Wildlife and Nature Tours Near Agra: Explore the Natural Beauty

Discover wildlife near Agra at Keoladeo National Park for birdwatching and Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary for river safaris.

3 mins

When visiting Agra, most travelers focus on the iconic Taj Mahal and its historical sites. However, the region also offers some remarkable wildlife and nature experiences nearby, perfect for nature enthusiasts and those looking to explore beyond the city's famous monuments.

Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks

1. Keoladeo National Park (Bharatpur)

Location: Approximately 55 km from Agra (about 1.5 hours by road)

Overview: Keoladeo National Park, formerly known as Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its avian diversity. The park is home to over 370 bird species, including migratory birds like Siberian cranes, pelicans, and herons. Apart from birds, you may also spot deer, wild boar, and occasionally pythons and other reptiles.


  • Bird Watching: Best visited during the winter months (October to February) when migratory birds flock to the park.
  • Nature Walks: Guided walks are available, allowing you to explore the park's varied ecosystems.
  • Boat Rides: Enjoy a serene boat ride through the marshes and lakes, ideal for spotting birds up close.


  • Entry Fee: Approximately $5 per person (foreign tourists).
  • Boat Ride: Around $10 per boat (can accommodate up to 4 people).

Tips: Carry binoculars, wear comfortable walking shoes, and bring water and sunscreen.

How to Get There:

  • By Road: Hire a taxi or take a private car from Agra. The journey takes about 1.5 hours each way.
  • By Train: There are regular trains from Agra to Bharatpur. The park is a short rickshaw ride from the railway station.


While Agra offers a range of accommodation options, staying closer to Keoladeo National Park in Bharatpur is recommended for early morning birdwatching expeditions.

Additional Wildlife Experiences:

2. Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary

Location: Approximately 70 km from Agra (about 2 hours by road)

Overview: Known for its pristine river ecosystem and wildlife conservation efforts, Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary is home to rare species like the Gangetic dolphin, gharials (a type of crocodile), and various bird species. Boat safaris along the Chambal River offer a unique opportunity to observe wildlife in their natural habitat.


  • River Safari: Explore the Chambal River by boat, spotting gharials, turtles, and a variety of birdlife.
  • Nature Walks: Guided walks along the riverbanks, where you might spot dolphins and other wildlife.


  • Boat Safari: Approximately $20-$25 per person (group rates available).

Tips: Book safaris in advance, wear comfortable clothing suitable for the outdoors, and carry a camera with a zoom lens for wildlife photography.

Exploring wildlife and nature near Agra provides a refreshing contrast to the city's historical landmarks. Whether you choose to visit Keoladeo National Park for its avian diversity or embark on a river safari in Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary, these experiences offer a deeper connection with nature amidst the region's rich cultural tapestry.

Plan your wildlife excursion from Agra wisely, ensuring you allocate enough time to fully appreciate the natural beauty and wildlife diversity these sanctuaries offer.